Common Council Approves Noblesville City Budget for 2025

By Noblesville Economic Development

By Noblesville Economic Development

October 30, 2024

Common Council Approves Noblesville City Budget for 2025

NOBLESVILLE, IN (Oct. 29, 2024) – The Noblesville Common Council approved the city’s 2025 Civil City budget at its meeting tonight. The 2025 budget totals $127,666,422 to fund all city operations, personnel, projects, and programs, excluding the sewer utility which is a separate entity.

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen’s budget focuses on all four of his policy pillars: public safety, infrastructure, downtown & quality of life, and economic & workforce development. The budget maintains a tax rate of $1.10 for the sixth consecutive year, all while serving a growing community through supporting core services with continued investment in infrastructure and quality-of-life projects. There are property tax hardship programs available for eligible taxpayers in Hamilton County.

“Our city is growing and with that growth comes a budget strategically crafted to meet the needs of the ninth largest city in the state,” said Mayor Chris Jensen. “This budget makes investments that support the expanding Noblesville community, stimulates the economy, and grows our tax base responsibly. I thank the Noblesville Council members for their thoughtful and strategic approach to the city’s budget.”

Jensen’s 2025 budget focused on strengthening core operations and personnel while advancing key infrastructure and quality-of-life initiatives. The 2025 budget makes continued investments in top capital priorities, including Pleasant Street with the extension of the Midland Trace Trail, Innovation Mile, a new police station, trail projects, and road improvements.

“This budget addresses the increased service needs of our growing city while being fiscally responsible,” said Noblesville Common Council President Darren Peterson. “The council appreciates the cooperation between its members and Mayor Jensen and his staff to create a budget that provides for critical investments in public safety, infrastructure, and improvements to the quality of life throughout our community, without increasing taxes on residents.”

The budget aligns ongoing spending increases with the city’s 8-year revenue growth trajectory, featuring an 6.4 percent increase for our core operational funds. The proposed budget focuses on government modernization, efficiency, return on investment, cost containment, and proactive preservation of significant assets. The operational budget, which excludes pension and debt service payments, totals $110,422,574, with nearly 52 percent of on-going operational spending directed to public safety.

“The certified net assessed value growth is 7.4 percent or $377.2 million higher in 2025. This gives the city a great opportunity to strategically invest more in the community. Noblesville is also expecting its local income tax allocation from the county to rise by 16.6 percent,” said CFO & Controller Jeff Spalding. “The city continues to have very strong reserves and the combined balances for the General Fund/Rainy Day Fund are projected to be nearly $35.5 million by the end of this year. This allows Noblesville to budget $10 million for key one-time investments in capital projects, needed equipment, and future capacity.”


About the City of Noblesville:
Noblesville is the 9th largest city in Indiana, home to more than 75,000 residents, and the county seat in Hamilton County, Indiana. Just north of Indianapolis, the growing city is known for its nationally recognized public schools, extensive public park system, Hamilton Town Center, and the outdoor music venue Ruoff Music Center.

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